HC Deb 20 November 1984 vol 68 cc100-1W
Mr. Mason

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what discussions have taken place between his Ministry and interested parties on a salmon tagging scheme to offset salmon poaching; and if he will make a statement on the prospects for his Ministry of sponsoring legislation on this matter.

Mr. MacGregor

The examination by officials of the issues raised by the report of the salmon sales group of the former National Water Council has identified the main areas of concern in any scheme to control salmon sales and is looking urgently into the practical difficulties of establishing effective control. These problems are still under examination with interested parties. We are anxious to clear these issues as speedily as possible, and I hope that conclusions can be reached soon. But no decisions about legislation can be taken until we have the measure of the practical implications of a scheme of the kind proposed by the sales group.

Mr. Mason

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what discussions have taken place between his Ministry and the Atlantic Salmon Trust on salmon preservation and an improvement in salmon spawning stocks next season; and whether he has consulted the water authorities on how improvements can be made in spawning stocks of multi-sea winter salmon in 1985.

Mr. MacGregor

I have exchanged correspondence with the chairman of the Atlantic Salmon Trust about the numbers of multi-sea winter salmon returning to this country and about steps that might be taken to improve salmon spawning stocks. He recently put a number of suggestions to me which I am considering. My officials have also been in touch with representatives of the water authorities, which are fully seized of the need to conserve spawning stocks but have no specific suggestions for Government action in respect of multi-sea winter salmon.

Mr. Onslow

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what were the terms of reference of the departmental inquiry which he commissioned earlier in the current year into the effects of the north-east coast salmon fishery; when he expects to receive his scientists' report; and if he will undertake to publish it in full as soon as possible.

Mr. MacGregor

The results of the further examination by officials of the effects of the north east coast salmon fishery have been reported to me. Scientists of my Department and of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland were asked to examine the present state of the salmon fisheries which are dependent on salmon passing through the English north-east coast fishery, to consider objections which have been raised to that fishery and to consider possible management arrangements to take account of significant problems. Their report was an internal one based, in part, on information provided in confidence and will not be published. My right hon. and noble Friend the Minister of State, Scottish Office and I are considering the report and will announce our conclusions when we have completed that consideration.