HC Deb 20 November 1984 vol 68 cc152-3W
Mr. Tony Banks

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) how much is now paid by the London boroughs for the right to nominate elderly Londoners to 50 per cent. of the vacancies in the Greater London council's seaside and country homes; and how much they will have to pay in the event of the Greater London council being abolished;

(2) if he will ensure that all homes on Greater London council's seaside and country homes estates which become vacant will remain available for letting in the event of the Greater London council being abolished and that all such lettings will be to elderly people;

(3) what proportion of vacancies in seaside and country homes currently owned by the Greater London council will be made available to elderly Londoners in the event of the Greater London council being abolished;

(4) if his detailed exploration into the possibility of transferring Thamesmead to a trust in the event of the Greater London council being abolished has revealed how deficits met by the Greater London council would be paid;

(5) if he will estimate the number of elderly Londoners able to retire to the country through the seaside and country homes scheme if the Greater London council is abolished.

Sir George Young

Our detailed proposals will be announced in due course.

Mr. Tony Banks

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he intends to take powers to develop new estates of seaside and country homes for London residents in the event of the Greater London council being abolished.

Sir George Young

I refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave my hon. Friend the Member for Richmond and Barnes (Mr. Hanley) on 15 November, at column 314.

Mr. Tony Banks

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment why all vacancies in the Greater London council's seaside and country homes are not to be made available to elderly Londoners in the event of the Greater London council being abolished.

Sir George Young

We believe that the district councils as owners of the properties should be able to use a proportion of the lettings, as has been recognised in previous transfers of GLC stock.

Mr. Tony Banks

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment who will have ultimate responsibility for the Greater London council seaside and country homes scheme in the event of the Greater London council being abolished; and what control elected representatives of the people of London will have over the scheme.

Sir George Young

I refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave him on 25 October, at column 698.

Mr. Tony Banks

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how he will ensure that district councils in receipt of the Greater London council's seaside and country homes, in the event of the Greater London council being abolished, report all vacancies to him.

Sir George Young

We anticipate no difficulty in securing such information under the powers to be conferred on my right hon. Friend under the abolition legislation.

Mr. Tony Banks

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the number of civil servants now working in his Department on (a) duties associated with the abolition of the Greater London council and metropolitan county councils and (b) rates limitation, listing in each case the numbers and ranks of officers and the estimated cost per year of each group.

Mr. Waldegrave

I shall answer this question shortly.