HC Deb 15 November 1984 vol 67 c339W
Dr. Marek

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what information he has as to how electricity is generated on Tristan da Cunha.

Mr. Renton

Tristan da Cunha's electricity supply is provided by diesel generators owned by a private firm Tristan Investments Ltd. About 500 MWH/year are produced. In addition, there is a small emergency generator.

1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
Project Aid 114 295 446
Programme aid 7,585 21,185 12,533 3,309
Debt Refinancing 3,723 10,158 3,327 1,634
Disaster Relief 10 13 89
Technical Co-operation 406 437 470 576 365
Total 4,253 8,035 32,108 16,882 5,397

In addition, Turkey benefits from aid from the European Community. Expenditure is now taking place from the third financial protocol and from a special aid package. The third financial protocol provides 220 million ecu for loans on special terms from the Community budget and 90 million ecu of loans from the European Investment Bank's own resources. The United Kingdom share of the aid financed from the budget is about £28 million. At the end of 1983 expenditure on special loans from the budget amounted to 108 million ecu (of which the United Kingdom share was about £14 million). The special aid package for 50 million ecu, of which the United Kingdom share is about £6 million.

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