HC Deb 15 November 1984 vol 67 cc361-2W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what information is available in. his Department as to the extent of the transfer of funds with patients on transfer from hospital to community care by the health service throughout England and Wales.

Mr. John Patten

I can answer only in relation to England. Thirteen projects have so far been selected for central support as part of the care in the community pilot projects programme, involving some 500 patients. A further batch of projects will be selected in the new year. We have now received in all some 230 applications and we understand some of these projects may go ahead with local funding.

The position in Wales is a matter for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what other departments of Her Majesty's Government have provided assistance and support in implementing the Government's community care policies.

Mr. John Patten

People being cared for in the community receive assistance and support from the programmes of many other Government Departments either directly or through local authorities or other local bodies. The fields concerned include housing (Department of the Environment) fare concessions and other forms of assistance with transport (Department of Transport), further education and recreation facilities (Department of Education and Science) sheltered employment and support projects involving unemployed people (Department of Employment and Manpower Services Commission) and support for voluntary organisations (Home Office). In addition, certain relevant tax concessions are available from the Inland Revenue.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services to what extent Government policies on manpower limitations by local authorities have affected care in the community initiatives.

Mr. John Patten

Local authorities have been advised, in agreement with the local authority associations, that Government policy on manpower should not be an obstacle to the transfer of resources to community care since staff whose employment is financed by NHS funds do not add to the rate burden.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if his Department has sought the views of the Association of County Councils on the recent trend by health authorities to establish their own community-based services, such as community units for the mentally-handicapped.

Mr. John Patten

My right hon. and learned Friend has recently received a letter on this topic from the chairman of the social services committee of the Association of County Councils. He hopes to reply shortly. We will send copies of the correspondence to my hon. Friend.