HC Deb 24 May 1984 vol 60 cc523-4W
Mr. Willie W. Hamilton

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many hospital beds have been permanently closed in each hospital board area since 1 July 1979; how many such closures were due to financial restrictions; and what further closures are contemplated in the current financial year.

Mr. John MacKay

The following table shows the net changes in bed complements from 31 March 1979 to September 1982, the latest available date:

Health Board Net change in bed complement between 31 March to September 1982
Argyll and Clyde -46
Ayrshire and Arran -28
Borders +30
Health Board Net change in bed complement between 31 March to September 1982
Dumfries and Galloway -173
Fife +52
Forth Valley -286
Grampian -311
Greater Glasgow -205
Highland -160
Lanarkshire -167
Lothian +95
Orkney +2
Shetland No change
Tayside -363
Western Isles -17

The adjustment of bed complements is a matter for local management unless closure of a whole hospital is involved, and I am therefore not in a position to say what further closures boards may be contemplating in the current year.