HC Deb 21 May 1984 vol 60 cc373-4W
Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will outline the terms and conditions, including the arrangements for salary and expenses, that are proposed for the 50 short-term secondments from the private defence industries to the Ministry of Defence.

Mr. Pattie

We have agreed with the defence industries that during these short-term secondments, which will be at middle management level, companies will continue to be responsible for paying the salaries of their employees seconded into the MOD and the MOD will pay those it seconds to industry. Companies will also meet the out-of-pocket travel and accommodation expenses of their secondees incurred as a result of taking up secondments, but secondees will be entitled to claim allowances from the MOD in respect of travel and subsistence expenses incurred in the course of their work for the Department.

In accordance with the usual practice in secondments from industry into the Civil Service, secondees will be required to conform with the Civil Service rules on conduct, discipline and security. Secondees will be required to sever their working connections with their employing companies and work full time for the MOD, the nature of their employment being agreed beforehand between the companies and the Department.

Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether the 50 short-term appointees from private business firms to positions in his Department will be asked to divest themselves of any directorships or shareholdings during their period of Government service; and what arrangements will be made to ensure compliance with the Civil Service code of conduct.

Mr. Pattie

The Civil Service code of conduct, which secondees will be required to observe while working in the MOD, permits the holding of private investments where these do not create a conflict of interest. Care is being taken to place secondees in jobs in the Department where such conflicts will not occur. As the secondees will be at middle management level the question of directorships will not arise. Secondees' compliance with the code of conduct will be monitored by the line managers who will be responsible for their supervision while working in the Department.

Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether the 50 short-term appointees from private business firms, to be appointed to positions in his Department, will have access to confidential commercial information held by his Department; and what arrangements will be made to avoid a conflict between the public interest and the interests of the firms in which they are employed.

Mr. Pattie

The propriety of each secondment will be carefully considered as it is being arranged. Secondees will not have access to commercially sensitive information or be employed on work for the Department which would create a conflict between the public interest and that of their employing companies.