HC Deb 14 May 1984 vol 60 c67W
Mr. Ralph Howell

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what were the total numbers of people in

1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982
Retirement pension only* 6,253 6,493 6,770 6,965 7,076 7,185 7,344 7,508 7,633 7,697
Supplementary pension only* 106 105 103 104 110 114 104 108 101 88
Retirement pension and Supplementary pension* 1,795 1,754 1,635 1,635 1,686 1,678 1,679 1,639 1,689 1,749
Public sector occupational pensioners†‡ 2,100 2,320
* Social security statistics.
The Government Actuary's surveys of occupational pension schemes 1975 and 1979 (Her Majesty's Stationery Office)
The Government Actuary's survey of occupational pension schemes is published quadrenially. Estimates for intervening years are not available and while no estimates are available of the number of public sector occupational pensioners who also have a state retirement pension it is likely that almost all people over pension age who have a public sector occupational pension will also have a state retirement pension.

Mr. David Atkinson

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will state the current weekly level of the pension for those aged over 80 years; and how this compares with the figure for the state retirement pension.

Dr. Boyson

People over 80 years old who have no or only limited entitlement to a contributory state retirement pension can claim a category D non-contributory retirement pension. The category D rate for a single pensioner is currently £20.45 per week, and the weekly rate for a married woman is £12.25. These rates are set at 60 per cent., respectively, of the basic rate of the equivalent retirement pension. This ratio has been maintained since the introduction of non-contributory retirement pensions. In addition, any pensioner aged 80 or more who is in receipt of any category of state retirement pension is also entitled to an age addition of 25p per week to the pension.

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