HC Deb 02 May 1984 vol 59 c155W
Mr. Kirkwood

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will provide information showing, in cash terms and in current prices, the amount of his Department's supplement allocated to the national insurance fund in 1984–85 and in each year since 1978–79 in total and as a proportion of (a) total Government receipts and (b) the overall fund, for each of these years.

Mr. Peter Rees

The following table shows the information requested:

Treasury Supplement
£ million cash *£ million at 1984–85 prices as a pertentage of central Government receipts †as a pertentage of contribution income to the fund,
1978–79 1,976 3,548 3.5 18
1979–80 2,343 3,599 3.4 18
1980–81 2,848 3,689 3.5 18
1981–82 2,433 2,866 2.5 14–5
1982–83 2,591 2,866 2.4 13
1983–84 ‡2,807 2,939 2.5 13
1984–85 ‡2,523 2,523 2.1 11
* £ million revalued to 1984–85 prices using the GDP deflator.
† The Treasury supplement is determined as a percentage of gross national contribution income, (ignoring rebates on contributions in respect of those contracted out of the state earnings-related pension scheme and deductions in respect of statutory sick pay).
‡ Provisional figures based on estimates of contribution income provided by the Government Actuary.

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