HC Deb 29 March 1984 vol 57 cc261-2W
Mr. Andrew MacKay

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what action the Government intend to take in the light of the Lovelock report on the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux.

Mr. Fletcher

When the report was published I undertook to report back to the House on follow-up action, in the light of discussions with NACAB itself.

Both we and it welcome the report, which provides a constructive way forward for the Government and for the CAB service alike.

Most of the recommendations are directed at NACAB itself. The association's officers have assured me of its determination to respond seriously and positively to these. The council of the association is considering this in detail today.

The report also recommends an increase in Government funding for the national association amounting to £900,000 in a full year on a continuing basis, with an additional £100,000 on a once-and-for-all basis.

I have told the association that we intend to implement these recommendations in full over the two years 1984–85 and 1985–86. Subject to parliamentary approval, an extra 500,000 will be provided in 1984–85, as an addition to the grant-in-aid of £6.6 million which has already been announced. And, subject of course to decisions on public expenditure generally in this year's public expenditure survey, and to parliamentary approval in due course, a further addition of £500,000 will be made to the provision for 1985–86.

Further discussions will be necessary with the association on its plans for the use of this funding within the grant-in-aid conditions, and in the light of the report's detailed proposals.