HC Deb 22 March 1984 vol 56 c587W
Mr. Dobson

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many women doctors there are now compared with 1974, 1964 and 1954.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

Information is not available for 1954 or 1964 although some figures can be provided for 1963. The available information on women doctors in England in the hospital service, in the community health service and community medicine, and in the General Medical Service is given in the following table; some doctors may work in more than one sector.

*1963 *1974 *1983
Women doctors working in the:
Hospital Service 2,474 4,407 7,790
Community Health Service and Community Medicine na 2,228 3,511
General Medical Services 1,746 2,975 4,876
Totals na 9,610 16,181
na Not available.
* At 30 September Hospital Community Health Services or 1 October General Medical Services each year.
Excluding hospital practitioners and paragraph 94 appointments, the majority of whom also work in the General Medical Services.
Provisional and excluding restricted principals, of whom there are likely to have been about 80.