HC Deb 22 March 1984 vol 56 cc548-9W
Mr. Kennedy

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will provide financial reimbursement to those who have contributed to the cost of commissioning Fisher Spence Associates, Inverness to undertake a preliminary report into the problems relating to the flooding of the river Conon in Ross-shire.

Mr. John Mackay

I understand that the Highlands and Islands Development Board has already indicated that it will contribute towards the cost of this report. In such circumstances it would not be appropriate for further financial reimbursement to be considered.

Mr. Kennedy

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what criteria were employed to conclude that the new year flood of the river Conon was of an average frequency order of about once in 25 years compared with once in 50 years for the flood of 1966.

Mr. John MacKay

The estimation of the frequency periods of floods is based on methods described in the flood study report published by the Institute of Hydrology in 1975. This report contains the results of an extensive research programme on flood prediction and estimation techniques.

Mr. Kennedy

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will express at 1984 prices the cost of the award of 100 per cent. grant aid for flood damage resulting from the river Conon in 1966; and how this compares with the level of aid available in 1984.

Mr. John MacKay

The cost of the award of 100 per cent. grant following the 1966 flood is estimated at 1984 prices, at approximately £560,000 for the restoration of river banks, channels and associated bridges and for the removal of debris from fields. The estimated cost of similar works following the Conon valley flooding of 31 December 1983/1 January 1984 is approximately £200,000, of which about £100,000 could be met by grant-aid.

Mr. Kennedy

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he accepts the conclusions of the preliminary report by Fisher Spence Associates of Inverness into the recent flooding of the river Conon in Ross-shire.

Mr. John MacKay

The conclusions of this report are essentially for consideration by the agricultural riparian proprietors in respect of measures relating to the prevention of flooding of farm land and by the local authority who have discretionary powers to carry out works to mitigate the flooding of non-agricultural land. It is then open to the proprietors and to the local authority to apply for a grant-aid towards the cost of relevant remedial or improvement works which they wish to carry out.

Mr. Kennedy

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether, in view of the conclusions contained in the preliminary report by Fisher Spence Associates of Inverness, he will undertake to have carried out a hydrographic survey into the circumstances surrounding the repeated flooding of the river Conon in Ross-shire.

Mr. John MacKay

No. The carrying out of such a survey is a matter for the agricultural riparian proprietors and the local authority. However, the costs related to a survey would be considered for grant-aid if an approved scheme of works based upon it were to be carried out.

Mr. Kennedy

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will instigate a full public inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the recent flooding of the river Conon in Ross-shire.

Mr. John MacKay

There are no circumstances in the recent flooding which call for a full public inquiry. Interested local parties have set up a committee to discuss aspects of the flooding and my right hon. Friend will give careful consideration to any relevant conclusions arising from its deliberations.