HC Deb 20 March 1984 vol 56 cc403-4W
30. Mr. Strang

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what proportion of young people obtain a job within a month of completing a youth training scheme.

Mr. Peter Morrison

Information on what happens to youngsters after leaving the youth training scheme is not yet available. The first youngsters to have completed a full year's training on the scheme will not be leaving it until next month.

47. Mr. Rowe

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many representations he has received on the change of emphasis from mode B to mode A places on the youth training scheme; and what is the balance of those representations.

Mr. Peter Morrison

We have received a number of representations about the operation of the youth training scheme in the coming year. A number of these latter representations have expressed concern over the planned provision of mode B places. None the less, we are satisfied that for 1984–85 sufficient suitable training places will be available on the scheme to meet the needs of all eligible young people.

56. Mr. Madel

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he is satisfied with the arrangements for meeting the cost of a training place on the youth training scheme where a local authority is involved; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Peter Morrison

The level of grant paid by Manpower Services Commission under the youth training scheme is the same whether or not the managing agent or sponsor is a local authority. However, I am aware of the concern local authorities have expressed about funding arrangements, and my right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for Employment and for Education and Science and I met the associations last month to discuss this. We offered, without commitment, further discussions on the facts of the matter.

Mr. Lofthouse

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether community benefit remains a criterion for assessing the merits of youth training schemes under mode B1.

Mr. Peter Morrison

Approval of community projects under mode B1 of the youth training scheme no longer depends upon schemes demonstrating benefit to the community. However, the projects may continue to include activities of benefit to the community providing the training requirements of the youth training scheme are met.

Mr. Sheerman

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what contribution towards the cost of the youth training scheme there has been from non-United Kingdom Government sources in 1983–84, or is expected, other than sums allocated from the European social fund for the period 1 September 1983 to 31 March 1984.

Mr. Peter Morrison

Apart from allocations from the European social fund, no financial assistance has been or will be received from non-United Kingdom Government sources in 1983–84 towards the expenditure by the Manpower Services Commission on the youth training scheme.