HC Deb 20 March 1984 vol 56 c405W
37. Mr. Neil Hamilton

asked the Secretary of State for Employment on what grounds he bases his confidence that the Trades Union Congress has the authority over its members to deliver the agreement which has been reached over the political levy.

Mr. Tom King

In our manifesto we made clear that we intended to invite the TUC to discuss the steps which the trade unions themselves could take to ensure that individual members are freely and effectively able to decide for themselves whether or not to pay the political levy. In the event that the trade unions were not willing to take such steps, the Government would be prepared to introduce measures to guarantee the free and effective right of choice.

The TUC has made it clear to me that it is willing to take such steps and put before me a draft statement which has subsequently been endorsed by the general council. I made it clear that provided this statement was endorsed and issued to its member unions with their committed support, then the Government would not propose to introduce any further changes in the law beyond those already contained in the Trade Union Bill. I also made it clear, however, that this undertaking was given on the understanding that the steps that the TUC was taking would prove effective. If they do not prove to be so, the Government reserve the right to introduce further measures.