HC Deb 15 March 1984 vol 56 cc245-6W
Mr. Peter Robinson

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) how much has been spent by Northern Ireland Gas since it was set up on advertising on hoardings;

(2) how much has been spent by Northern Ireland Gas since it was set up on newspaper advertising;

(3) how much has been spent by Northern Ireland Gas since it was set up on television advertising;

(4) how much has been spent by the Northern Ireland Gas company on advertising since the company was set up.

Mr. Butler

I am informed by the company that, since its formation in October 1983, the estimated cost of advertising in the current advertising phase is £124,000, including expenditure to date of £20,160 on advertising in newspapers, £46,271 on television advertising and estimated expenditure of £26,800 to date on advertising on hoardings.

Mr. Peter Robinson

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how much was paid to the advertising consultants employed by Northern Ireland Gas for the advertisements so far designed.

Mr. Butler

Details of the commercial relationship between the Northern Ireland Gas Company Ltd. and its contractors, suppliers and customers are a matter of commercial confidentiality.

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