§ Mr. Maddenasked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many households in receipt of housing benefit will have that benefit reduced in April as a result of the changes for 18 to 20-year-old non-dependants in work; and what savings will result in 1984–85.
§ Dr. BoysonI refer the hon. Member to my reply on 5 December at columns59–60 which contained the best available breakdown of the households affected. The savings from the changes for 18 to 20-year-old non-dependants in 1984–85 are estimated at about £10 million, of which about £7 million is public expenditure.
§ Mr. Peter Bruinvelsasked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will give the number of people in (a) Leicester and (b) England and Wales in receipt of housing benefit and as a percentage of the total number of house owners and occupiers.
§ Dr. BoysonEstimates provided by Leicester city council as at 31 August 1983 indicate that the number of680W householders receiving housing benefit is about 42,000. No reliable estimate of the number of households in Leicester in 1983 is held centrally. The latest available estimate of the number of households in Great Britain receiving housing benefit is about 7 million or 34 per cent. of total households.