§ Mr. Hunterasked the Secretary of State for Employment which organisations and individuals sent to his Department by the end of February comments on the drafts for European Communities directives referred to in the consultative document published in November 1983 jointly by his Department and the Department of Trade and Industry; and whether any organisations or individuals have intimated that they will be sending in comments after the end of February.
§ Mr. GummerThe following 73 organisations and individuals sent comments dated on or before 29 February to my Department. A number of organisations and individuals have indicated that they will be commenting after that date, and I will make a further statement.
Organisations and Individuals (listed in order of receipt)
- North British Maritime Group Ltd
- International Chamber of Commerce
- Embassy of Japan
- National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux
- Mr. J. de Somogyi
- Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
- Cement Makers Federation
- BICC Plc
- Iron and Steel Trades Confederation
- Local Authorities' Conditions of Service Advisory Board
- The Stock Exchange Panel on take-overs and mergers
- The Electricity Council
- Mr. V. R. V. Brindley
- John Lewis Partnership
- IMI Plc
- The British Plastics Federation
- The Building Societies Association
- British Telecommunications
- Wilders Associates
- The British Council of Churches
672- London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Glasgow Chamber of Commerce
- General Council of British Shipping
- Food Manufacturer's Federation Inc
- The Brewers Society
- Mars Confectionery
- Shorts Brothers Ltd
- Harland and Wolff Ltd
- Confederation of British Industry (Northern Ireland)
- Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company
- Industrial Development Board for Northern Ireland
- Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry Thorn-EMI
- British Nuclear Fuels Ltd
- Petroleum Employers Council
- Cadbury Schweppes Plc
- Hill Samuel Group Plc
- George Wimpey Plc
- Industrial Participation Association
- Rowntree Mackintosh Plc
- Marshall of Cambridge (Engineering) Ltd
- National Bus Company
- Kensington and Chelsea Trades Union Council
- The Boots Company Plc
- Taylor Woodrow Group
- Co-operative Employers Association
- The Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
- Shell UK Ltd
- Touche Ross and Co
- Trades Union Congress
- Institute of Personnel Management
- Shaw Taylor Management Consultants Ltd
- Engineering Employers Federation Institute of Directors
- The Law Society
- The Retail Consortium
- The Association of Investment Trust Companies
- British Sugar Plc
- The Steel Industry Management Association
- Reckitt and Colman Plc
- Institute of Actuaries
- The British Insurance Brokers' Association
- Mr. Geoffrey Stuttard
- Coats Patons Plc
- General Electric Company (USA)
- Courtaulds Plc
- Mr. A. M. Gardner
- Amey Roadstone Corporation Ltd
- Ford Motor Company Ltd
- Sheffield Chamber of Commerce
- Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and industry
- Confederation of British Industry
- British Rubber Manufacturers' Association Ltd