HC Deb 19 June 1984 vol 62 cc102-3W
Mr. Latham

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what is the latest position regarding the draft European Community directive on the harmonisation of architectural qualifications; when the first draft was published; when it was last discussed by the Council of Ministers or by the Committee of Permanent Representatives; and whether it is proposed to take any further action on this matter;

(2) what attitude he is currently taking in the European Community Council of Ministers to the proposed directive on architectural qualifications; and whether he will propose that the directive be postponed indefinitely to prevent any further time being taken up in discussions and consultations.

Sir George Young

No progress has been made since my hon. Friend received the answer given to him by my right hon. Friend the Member for Bridgwater (Mr. King), the then Secretary of State, on 26 April 1983 at column 297. The first draft of the directive was published in 1967. The general subject of rights of establishment, of which the architects' directive forms a part, was referred to in the President's conclusions to the European Council on 21–22 March 1983. This followed Foreign Affairs Council discussion of the subject in February 1983. The last discussion by Ministers of the architects' directive was in 1980, and the last discussion by Permanent Representatives took place in September 1982. The directive remains under consideration within the Community.

The Government support the general principle of mutual recognition of professional qualifications in the Community providing that there are adequate safeguards for professional standards within the United Kingdom.

We would hope therefore that progress can be made with respect to architectural qualifications and will be taking appropriate steps to keep the profession up to date with any developments.