HC Deb 27 July 1984 vol 64 cc857-8W
Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many teachers have been

Grants to Universities and Colleges, etc.
For recurrent grants and restructuring
General Purposes £ Overseas research student fees support scheme £ Total subhead Al £ *Restructuring subhead A5 £ Computers subhead B1 £
Aston university 14,792,694 14,281 14,806,975 2,034,426 138,419
Bath univeisity 12,431,000 63,493 12,494,493 3,020 1,345,377
Birmingham university 36,143,448 35,396 36,178,844 1,885,131 310,970
seconded to courses run by the War Emergency Planning Department; and who is responsible for paying their salaries while on such courses.

Sir Keith Joseph

This information is not available in the Department. Secondment of teachers to training courses and related salary matters are properly left for local determination.

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