HC Deb 25 July 1984 vol 64 cc716-8W
Mr. Terry Davis

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list the names and positions of the officials in the delegation which will represent Her Majesty's Government at the world population conference in Mexico City and the names of any other members of the delegation.

Mr. John Patten

The information is as followsLeader The Lord Glenarthur. Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department of Health and Social Security Accredited Representatives: Mr. Frank Whitehead. Deputy Director Office of Population Censuses and Surveys

  • Miss Jean Thompson. Chief Statistician Office of Population Censuses and Surveys
  • Mrs. Barbara Kelly. Principal Overseas Development Administration
  • Alternate Representatives: Dr. Sheila Macrae. Senior Population Adviser Overseas Development Administration
  • Mrs. Margaret Lane. Statistician, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys
  • Mrs. Helen Davison. The Third Secretary British Embassy Mexico City
  • Mr. Eugene Curley. Third Secretary British Embassy Mexico City
  • Advisers: Hon. Charles Morrison. Member of Parliament
  • Mr. Christopher Joyce. Private Secretary to Lord Glenarthur
  • Mr. Clifford Lenton. Population Research Officer Overseas Development Administration

Mr. Terry Davis

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what decisions were made about the United Kingdom's preparations for the world population conference to be held in August in the light of the outcome of the meeting of the United Nations preparatory committee held in January;

(2) what arrangements have been made to ensure appropriate liaison within the United Kingdom in preparation for the world population conference to be held in Mexico City in August; when such arrangements were established; who has attended any meetings which have been held as a result; when the first meeting was held; and how many meetings there have been to date;

(3) which non-Governmental organisations have been consulted in preparing the contribution of Her Majesty's Government to the proceedings of the world population conference to be held in Mexico City in August.

Mr. John Patten

The meeting of the preparatory committee held in January 1984 was unable to complete its business and a second meeting was held in March. The nature of one of the two key documents to be discussed at the conference was only agreed at the latter meeting. As a result preparations for the Conference have been delayed. About a year ago a small group of officials from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, the Overseas Development Administration and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office began the task of interdepartmental co-ordination and preparation for the Conference. There have been continuing contacts with a number of inter-Governmental organisations active in the field of population.

On 13 June it was announced that my noble Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary was to lead the United Kingdom delegation to the conference.

Following a question from the hon. Member, which was answered on 12 December 1983 at column 360 the following non-Governmental organisations sent views concerning the conference. Age Concern (Scotland), Scottish Womens Rural Institute, the Conservation Society, Christian Aid, Joint International Committee—International Committee on Social Welfare, and Oxfam.

Those organisations that said that they would also welcome the opportunity of a meeting were invited by my noble Friend to meet him so that he could hear from them what they considered to be the key issues for the Conference. Representatives of the following organisations attended a meeting with Lord Glenarthur on 3 July 1984: International Planned Parenthood Federation, Family Planning Association, Population Concern, Population Services International.

Representatives of the Responsible Society attended a meeting on 11 July 1984.

Mr. Terry Davis

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what contribution Her Majesty's Government proposes to make to the proceedings of the world population conference to be held in Mexico City in August.

Mr. John Patten

The leader of the delegation, my noble Friend the Lord Glenarthur, is expected to address the plenary session of the conference on the afternoon of Monday 6 August. The text of his speech will be released as soon as possible after it has been delivered. The United Kingdom delegation will play an active role in the main committee and in any working groups which may be set up to consider draft texts of the recommendations and of any other resolutions to be put before the conference for adoption at its closing session on Monday 13 August.