HC Deb 24 July 1984 vol 64 c598W
42. Mr. Haynes

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what consultations he has had with the employees of royal ordnance factories in Nottinghamshire about the implementation of the Ordnance Factories and Military Services Bill.

Mr. Pattie

Consultations on the personnel aspects of the proposed change of status of the royal ordnance factories with the trades unions representing all ROF employees are being conducted within the Departmental Whitley machinery as proposed in the original consultative document on the future of the ROFs issued in October 1982. As part of this process, separate consultative documents have also been issued on the transfer of research and development facilities and staff into the ROFs, and our proposals for future superannuation and redundancy arrangements. Separate discussions are taking place between ROF management and the trades unions on the successor company's proposed personnel policies. In addition, there have been a number of meetings between MOD Ministers and the trades unions on the various issues arising out of the consultative process, and my ministerial colleagues and I have personally visited all the factories concerned to explain the Government's proposals to the work force and listen to their views.