HC Deb 23 July 1984 vol 64 cc403-4W
Mr. Freeson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, pursuant to his reply to the right hon. Member for Brent, East on 16 July, Official Report, column 227, who referred to the Director of Public Prosecutions the alleged offence under the Official Secrets Act 1911 for which Mr. Bill Bush was arrested on 26 June.

Prosecutions and cautions for racial incidents in the London Borough of Newham
number of persons
Time period Cautioned On bail or committed for trial Found not guilty Found guilty Total
Conditional discharge or bound over Fine Community service Probation *Custody
12 months up to 14 November 1983 1 12 0 2 5 0 1 8 29
24 months up to 5 June 1984 1 15 5 7 7 4 1 14 54
* Includes Detention Centres, Youth Custody, Borstal Training and Imprisonment.

Mr. Hurd

This case was dealt with in accordance with the usual practice, whereby when a Department has reason to believe that information for which it is responsible has been disclosed without authority the disclosure and what is known about the circumstances of the disclosure are reported to the Cabinet Office (management and personnel office) as the central department with responsibilities for matters of conduct and security, and to the Director of Public Prosecutions, so that the director can indicate whether in his view the case is one which should be investigated by the police with a view to considering a prosecution.