HC Deb 17 July 1984 vol 64 c106W
Mr. Loyden

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what recent representations he has received from parent organisations in Liverpool supporting the secondary schools reorganisation proposals of the Liverpool education committee.

Sir Keith Joseph

The Liverpool Association of Parents Concerned with Education wrote to me on 27 May about Liverpool education authority's secondary school reorganisation proposals. Its letter asked me not to seek modifications to the proposals to preserve some single sex schools but to approve the published proposals in their entirety.

Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what recent representations he has received following his discussion on secondary education reorganisation in Liverpool.

Sir Keith Joseph

I have yet to take a final decision on these proposals but am consulting Liverpool city council, as the Act requires, on two modifications I am minded to make. Since the Department's consultation letter to the authority of 18 June, a number of representations have been made to me. Representatives of the council met me on 4 July at their request; I have received two letters and a telex from the Liverpool Parents' Joint Action Committee, and 29 other letters, urging the rejection of the proposals as a whole; and I have received four letters asking for a quick decision, two of which were from Liverpool teacher associations, who also asked that I approve the proposals.