HC Deb 17 July 1984 vol 64 cc129-30W
Mr. Knox

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if, using information available from international sources, he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for (a) all consumer prices and (b) food prices in each Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development country (i) the cumulative increase in the period April 1979 to April 1984 and (ii) the average annual rate of increase in the same period.

Mr. Channon

The information is as follows:

OECD consumer prices* April 1979 to April 1984
Cumulative increase Average annual rate
All items Food All items Food
Canada +53 +46 +8.9 +7.8
United States +46 +30 +7.9 +5.4
Japanob/ +22 +22 +4.1 +4.1
Australia† +58 +61 +9.6 +9.9

Cumulative increase Average annual rate
All items Food All items Food
New Zealand‡ +81 +85 +13.0 +13.0
Austria +34 +25 +5.6 +4.6
Belgium +44 +42 +7.5 +7.2
Denmark +61 +58 +10.0 +9.6
Finland +60 +64 +9.9 +10.4
France +72 +70 +11.5 +11.2
Germany║ +25 +22 +4.6 +4.0
Greece +169 +176 +21.9 +22.5
Iceland‡ +898 +812 +58.4 +55.6
Ireland‡ +106 +70 +15.5 +11.2
Italy† +116 +92 +16.7 +13.9
Luxembourg +46 +43 +7.9 +7.5
Netherlands +28 +21 +5.1 +3.9
Norway +63 +66 +10.3 +10.7
Portugal† +183 +203 +23.2 +24.8
Spain† +93 +78 +14.1 +12.2
Sweden +65 +81 +10.5 +12.6
Switzerland +25 +36 +4.6 +6.3
Turkey† +702 +684 +51.7 +50.9
United Kingdom +63 +51 +10.3 +8.6
* In national currencies; coverage varies slightly from country to country.
† March 1979 to March 1984.
‡ February 1979 to February 1984.
║ Food: March 1979 to March 1984.

Source: OECD Main Economic Indicators.