§ Mr. Lathamasked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he will list, by name, rank and country of accreditation, all persons currently serving in Her Majesty's embassies in middle-eastern countries with the rank of head of chancery or above who underwent a full-time Arabic language course at the former Middle East Centre for Arab Studies at Shemlan, Lebanon.
§ Mr. WhitneyThe following officers with rank of first secretary or above attended MECAS and are currently serving or designated to serve in Middle Eastern countries:
- Mr. A. G. Munro, CMG, Ambassador, Algeria
- Mr. W. R. Tomkys, CMG, Ambassador and consul-general, Bahrain
- Mr. W. H. Stevens, First secretary, Bahrain
- Sir Michael Weir, KCMG, Ambassador, Egypt, Arab Republic of Cairo
- Mr. M. C. S. Weston, Counsellor designate, Egypt
- Mr. J. S. Laing, First secretary and head of chancery, Egypt
- Mr. I. McCluney, Consul-general, Alexandria, Egypt
- Sir John Moberly, KBE, CMG, Ambassador, Iraq
61- Mr. I. R. Callan, Counsellor, head of chancery and consul-general, Iraq
- Mr. D. W. Wright, First secretary (commercial), Iraq
- P. G. de Courcy-Ireland, CVO, Consul-general designate, Jerusalem
- Sir Alan Urwick, KCVO, CMG, Ambassador, Jordan
- Mr. D. R. Spedding, CVO, Counsellor, Jordan
- Mr. A. R. Brown, MVO, First secretary (commercial), Jordan
- Mr. M. R. Melhuish, CMG, Ambassador, Kuwait
- Mr. G. H. Boyce, First secretary (financial and economic) and head of chancery, Kuwait
- Mr. R. E. Palmer, Counsellor and consul-general, Lebanon
- Mr. F. X. Gallagher, First secretary, head of chancery and consul, Lebanon
- Mr. S. J. G. Cambridge, CMG, CVO, Ambassador, Morocco
- Mr. D. Slater, CMG, Ambassador, Oman
- Mr. R. J. Dalton, First secretary, head of chancery and consul, Oman
- Mr. H. D. Marcelin, First secretary (commercial), Oman
- Mr. I. S. Lockhart, MBE, First secretary (commercial), Qatar
- Sir Patrick Wright, KCMG, Ambassador designate, Jedda, Saudi Arabia
- Mr. J. Q. Greenstock, Counsellor (commercial), Saudi Arabia
- Mr. G. L. St. L. Rolleston, MBE, Counsellor, Saudi Arabia
- Mr. A. M. Layden, First secretary and head of chancery, Saudi Arabia
- Mr. S. R. Bonde, First secretary (commercial), Saudi Arabia
- Mr. R. J. S. Muir, Director-General, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Mr. M. J. Copson, OBE, First secretary (defence supply) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Mr. W. H. Fullerton, Ambassador, Somalia
- Mr. R. A. Fyjis-Walker, CMG, CVO, Ambassador and consul general, Sudan
- Mr. B. S. T. Eastwood, Counsellor and head of chancery, Sudan
- Mr. C. S. M. Shelton, First secretary (aid), Sudan
- The Hon. Ivor Lucas, CMG, Ambassador, Syria
- Mr. J. R. Young, Counsellor, head of chancery and consul-general, Syria
- Mr. D. L. Hardinge, First secretary, head of chancery and consul, Tunisia
- Mr. H. B. Walker, CMG, Ambassador, UAE, Abu Dhabi
- Mr. H. G. Hogger, First secretary, head of chancery and consul, UAE, Abu Dhabi
- Mr. P. J. F. Mansley, First secretary, UAE, Abu Dhabi
- Mr. L. J. R. Dando, First secretary and head of chancery (and first secretary aid), Yemen (North)
- Mr. P. K. Williams, Ambassador, Yemen (South)