HC Deb 09 July 1984 vol 63 c417W
Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how much each regional health authority will have to find from its existing resources in order to finance that part of the costs of the recent pay settlements for medical staff not met from the contingency reserve.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

Health authority cash limits for 1984–85 have been increased to reflect the Government's contribution to the cost of the 1984 pay awards to staff covered by the Doctors' and Dentists' Review Body. The following table shows for each regional health authority the estimated costs for these staff which health authorities will be required to meet from their planned cost improvement programmes. The cost improvement programmes submitted to us already nationally amount to some £100 million so no well managed authority should have difficutly in financing the award without reducing any patient services.

Regional Health Authoity Amount in £ thousands
Northern 207
Yorkshire 223
Trent 264
East Anglian 116
North West Thames 249
North East Thames 315
South East Thames 260
South West Thames 192
Wessex 164
Oxford 141
South Western 192
West Midlands 314
Mersey 166
North Western 287