HC Deb 23 January 1984 vol 52 c406W
Mr. Campbell-Savours

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many persons have been reported or have reported radioactive contamination to the body since 11 November 1983 within the county of Cumbria.

Mr. Waldegrave

Greenpeace Ltd. approached the National Radiological Protection Board on behalf of four people and their hands were checked for contamination. As no detectable activity was found, any contamination of the hands would have been less than 10 per cent. of the level which is permissible under the Factories Act for exposure on a continuing basis.

I am informed by British Nuclear Fuels plc that no case of contamination of the body or clothing has been identified amongst those of the work force engaged in monitoring beaches. I am also informed that measurements of intake of radioactivity which are made by BNFL on a confidential basis at the request of individual members of the public show only small percentages of the ICRP limits, which are within the range observed over the previous several years.

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