§ Mr. Michael Forsythasked the Prime Minister if she will list, for each Government Department, their estimated expenditure on travel and associated expenses incurred by civil servants in the current year.
§ The Prime MinisterProvision for Civil Service travel and subsistence in the 1983–84 main Estimates is as follows:
£000s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 9,942 Intervention Board Agriculture Produce 210 Cabinet Office 176 Management and Personnel Office 1,818 Treasury 1,137 Customs and Excise 11,056 Inland Revenue 12,584 Department of National Savings 437
£000s Government Actuary 15 Central Office of Information 230 National Investment and Loans Office 5 Registry of Friendly Societies 34 Ministry of Defence 53,000 Department of Education and Science 2,317 Victoria and Albert Museum 70 Science Museum 115 Department of Employment 7,142 Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service 623 Health and Safety Commission/Executive 4,123 Manpower Services Commission 8,839 Department of Energy 1,067 Department of Environment 3,167 Property Services Agency (excluding Supplies Division) 7,228 Ordnance Survey 1,954 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 22,099 Overseas Development Agency 1,642 Home Office 11,247 Department of Industry 3,620 Lord Chancellors Department 6,202 Land Registry 186 Public Records Office 39 Northern Ireland Office—United Kingdom Civil Servants 1,403 Paymaster General's Office 18 Scottish Office 4,452 Scottish Courts Administration 351 Registrar General's Office for Scotland 35 Registers of Scotland 12 Scottish Record Office 9 Department of Health and Social Security 20,502 Office of Population Censuses and Survey 995 Department of Trade 3,414 Exports Credit Guarantee Department 916 Office of Fair Trading 82 Welsh Office 1,150 Department of Transport 5,190 Charity Commission 27 Crown Estates Office 16 Crown Office (Scotland) and Procurator Fiscal Service 82 Director of Public Prosecutions 7 Law Officers' Department 8 Lord Advocate's Department 30 Privy Council Office 2 Treasury Solicitor's Department 9 TOTAL FOR CIVIL SERVICE 211,034