HC Deb 17 February 1984 vol 54 cc345-6W
Mr. Ralph Howell

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a comparison between gross domestic product, income taxes and value added tax for each member state of the European Economic Community.

Mr. Peter Rees

The table shows income taxes paid by persons and value added tax as percentages of gross domestic product for each of the member countries of the European Economic Community in 1981, the latest year for which the information is available.

Figures for the gross domestic product of these countries, converted into US dollars on the basis of both exchange rates and purchasing power parities are given in "OECD National Accounts Volume 1 Main Aggregates 1953–1982". A copy is available in the Library.

Taxes as a percentage of GDP* in 1981
Income taxes paid by persons† Value added tax†
Belgium 15.8 8.0
Denmark 23.7 10.3
France 5.7 8.9
German Federal Republic 10.8 6.3
Greece 4.1
Irish Republic 12.0 6.0
Italy 8.8 5.0
Luxembourg 9.5 4.0
Netherlands 11.2 7.1
United Kingdom‡ 10.7 4.6
* At market prices.
† On a receipts basis.

‡ Tax receipts in the UK were affected by the Civil Service dispute in 1981. On an accruals basis the UK figures were 11 per cent. (income taxes) and 5 per cent. (VAT).


UK — latest estimates adjusted to international definitions. Other countries — Derived from "Revenue Statistics of OECD Member countries 1965–1982".