HL Deb 16 February 1984 vol 448 c450WA
Lord Brougham and Vaux

to ask Her Majesty's Government:

If the report in the Daily Telegraph of 1st February concerning motorway resurfacing at Spaghetti Junction is correct,

  1. (i) why such work is to be undertaken during July rather than "off-season";
  2. (ii) how long the disruption is likely to last;
  3. (iii) what alternative traffic arrangements are proposed.

Lord Lucas of Chilworth

(i) The total volume of traffic on this length of M6 is not subject to seasonal traffic variations. While during the summer holiday period the commuter peaks are substantially reduced and the volume of heavy goods vehicles is less, these reductions are offset by an increase in leisure traffic. There is no "off-season" on this length of road.

(ii) The planned major maintenance contract at Gravelly Hill is for the resurfacing and replacement of joints over a 1.1km length of the elevated section of M6 through the Gravelly Hill junction. This was constructed and opened to traffic in May, 1972. This work should take some 12 weeks and it is intended to have this section of road clear for the Motor Show in October.

(iii) The effect on traffic on the main carriageway will be much the same as on previous contracts. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained in each direction throughout the day reducing to one lane during night time. The Government attach importance to keeping through traffic on the motorway and during daytime hours two lanes will be open on each carriageway without contra-flow working.