HC Deb 06 February 1984 vol 53 cc508-9W
Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many coronary bypass graftings have been performed in each of the last five years; and how many cardiopulmonary procedures have been carried out in the last five years.

Mr. John Patten

We do not have a precise definition of cardiopulmonary procedures. I understand that the number of open cardiac surgical operations reported to the Unite d Kingdom cardiac surgery register of the Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons in the five years to 1981 the latest date for which figures are available, were as listed. The numbers of coronary artery bypass grafts included in these totals are shown in brackets.

Open cardiac surgical operations (Coronary artery bypass grafts)
Number Percentage increase over previous year (Number) (Percentage increase over previous year)
1977 9,868 n/a (2,875) n/a
1978 10,160 3.0 (3,191) (11.0)
1979 10,510 3.4 (3,538) (10.9)
1980 11,851 12.8 (4,859) (37.3)
1981 12,990 9.6 (5,951) (22.5)
n/a Not available.

Supplementary benefit claimants in receipt of heating additions
Thousands (Percentages in brackets)
Supplementary Pensioners One-parent Families Unemployed People Sick and Disabled‡ Others All Claimants
Local authority tenants 943 (60) 212 (76) 347 (65) 66 (52) 38 (70) 1,607 (63)
Private tenants 276 (18) 33 (12) 52 (10) 11 (8) 6 (11) 377 (15)
Owner-occupiers 319 (20) 32 (11) 129 (24) 17 (13) 9 (16) 506 (20)
Others‡ 26 (2) 1 (*) 1 (*) 32 (26) 2 (3) 62 (2)
Total 1,564 (100) 277 (100) 530 (100) 126 (100) 55 (100) 2,552 (100)
* Less than 1 percent.
† This category includes sick as well as disabled claimants but some disabled people are included in other categories although it is not possible to say how many.
‡ This group includes non-householders entitled to heating additions on health grounds.