HC Deb 19 December 1984 vol 70 cc172-7W
Mr. Robert B. Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish a list of the present members of the wages councils and their occupations.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

Each wages council has up to three independent members, appointed by my right hon. Friend, and a number of representative members,

Wages Council Independent member Background/occupation
Aerated Waters (Great Britain) Dr. Sarah C. Orr, MA, PhD Senior Lecturer
Mr. J. J. Blackstock, OBE Retired (formerly Industrial Relations Director)
Mr. C. L. Hicks, MBE Manager Industrial Relations
Boot and Shoe Repairing Professor Sir John Wood, CBE, LLM Professor
Mrs. D. M. Kloss, LLM Lecturer
Mr. V. Brett, Grad.E.Mech.E. Retired (formerly Industrial Management)
Button Manufacturing Dr. O. Robinson, BSc, PhD Senior Lecturer
Miss D. Barrett, BA (Oxon) Retired (formerly Chief Registrar/Director)
Mrs. P. Fea Former teacher
General Waste Materials Reclamation Mrs. M. S. Gray, QC, MA Barrister
Mr. M. Kinchin-Smith, MA, FIPM Personnel
Mr. J. J. Hughes, BSc(Econ) Senior Lecturer
Hairdressing Undertakings Sir John Wordie, KB, CBE, MA, LLB Barrister
Mr. V. Edkins, MA(Eng) Management Consultant
Mrs. P. Jessel, MA(Oxon) Lecturer
Hat, Cap and Millinery Professor J. F. Wilson, MA Professor
Mrs. B. M. Smith, B Com Lecturer
Mrs. J. M. Paterson, MA, MIPM Lecturer
Lace Finishing Miss P. Burne, MA Regional Director Open University
Dr. N. S. Ross, OBE, MA, AMBIM Senior Lecturer
Dr. M. J. Stevenson, MA, PhD Senior Lecturer
Laundry Mrs. B. M. D. Smith, B Com Lecturer in Economic Planning
Mr. B. N. R. Reynolds, BA (Oxon), BCL Barrister
Mr. V. Brett, Grad.E.Mech.E. Retired (formerly Industrial Management)
Clothing Manufacture Sir John Wordie, KB, CBE, MA, LLB Barrister
Professor C. Blake, MA, PhD Dean of Faculty
Dr. O. Robinson, BSc, PhD Senior Lecturer
Coffin Furniture and Cerement Making Mr. A. D. Airth, BA Senior Lecturer
Mrs. P. Jessel, MA Lecturer
Mr. A. Lawrence, LLB Principal Lecturer
Cotton Waste Reclamation Mr. A. D. Airth, BA Senior Lecturer
Mrs. B. N. Rodgers, OBE, MA Retired (formerly Senior Lecturer)
Mrs. D. M. Kloss, LLM Lecturer
Flax and Hemp Professor M. Gaskin, MA Professor
Mr. J. T. Hughes, MA Administrator
Mrs. K. M. Bell, MA Lecturer
Fur Mr. J. G. Picton, CBE, M Com Retired (formerly Senior Lecturer)
Mr. J. C. Hall, MA, LLB, JP Senior Tutor
Miss J. F. Holgate, MA Careers Advisory Officer
Licensed Non-Residential Establishment Sir John Wordie, KB, CBE, MA, LLB Barrister
Mr. B. V. Moore, BA Dip, PM Director, Personnel
Mr. L. N. Anderton, MBE, JP Industrial Relations Executive
Licensed Residential Establishment and Licensed Restaurant Professor Sir John Wood, CBE, LLM Professor
Mr. A. I. Marsh, OBE, MA Senior Research Fellow
Mrs. B. M. D. Smith, B Com Lecturer

appointed in most cases by employers' associations and trade unions nominated for that purpose by my right hon. Friend.

Most representative members are either actively engaged as employers or workers in the industry concerned, or employed by the relevant employers' associations or trade unions. The names and occupations of the independent members are as follows:

Wages Council Independent member Background/occupation
Linen and Cotton—Handkerchief and Household Goods and Linen Piece Goods Mr. H. M. Morris, JP, FIPM Personnel Consultant
Mr. A. D. Airth, BA Senior Lecturer
Mrs. J. Paterson, MA, MIPM Lecturer
Made-up Textiles Mrs. M. S. Gray, MA, QC Barrister
Professor G. H. Jones, LLM, MA, PhD Professor
Mr. D. W. A. Smith Retired (formerly Personnel Director)
Ostrich and Fancy Feather and Artificial Flower (Vacant)
Mrs. M. S. Gray, QC, MA Barrister
Mrs. P. Jessel, MA Lecturer
Perambulator and Invalid Carriage Professor J. F. Wilson, MA Professor
Professor E. T. Nevin, MA, PhD Professor
Mr. M. Kinchin-Smith, MA, FIPM Personnel
Retail Bespoke Tailoring Professor M. Gaskin, DFC, MA, BA, FR Econ S Professor
Mr. D. Wallace Bell Director
Dr. O. Robinson, BSc, PhD Senior Lecturer
Retail Food and Allied Trades Mrs. M. S. Gray, QC, MA Barrister
Mr. H. H. Morris, JP, FIPM Retired (formerly Personnel and Industrial Relations Manager)
Mr. D. Churchill, BA Journalist (Labour Correspondent)
Retail Trades (Non-Food) Dr. S. C. Orr, MA, PhD Senior Lecturer
Mr. L. M. Patient Chartered Accountant
Miss B. Ream, BA, MIPM Retired (formerly Senior Development Officer)
Rope, Twine and Net Mr. L. Freedman, CBE Formerly Chairman of a District Health Authority. Company Director
Dame Rosemary Murray, DBE, MA, D Phil, JP Retired (formerly President New Hall, Cambridge)
Mr. A. Lawrence, LLB Principal Lecturer
Sack and Bag Mrs. B. M. D. Smith, B Com Lecturer
Miss J. F. Holgate, MA Careers Advisory Officer
Mr. B. N. R. Reynolds, BA (Oxon), BCL Barrister
Toy Manufacturing Mrs. M. S. Gray, QC, MA Barrister
Mr. A. Lawrence, LLB Principal Lecturer
Mr. D. G. Cox Retired (formerly Senior Civil Servant)
Unlicensed Place of Refreshment (Vacant)
Mr. T. P. Thomas, MA Chartered Accountant
Mrs. P. Fea Former teacher

Mr. Robert B. Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he will publish a table showing the principal awards made for adults and non-adults since 1 May 1981 and including awards due to come into effect at future dates by the wages councils for (a) hairdressing,

(a) Hairdressing Undertakings Wages Council
Effective date of award*
12 April 1982 11 April 1983 9 April 1984
£ £ £
Operative hairdresser after two years 57.00 61.00 64.80
Operative hairdresser after one year 53.00 56.50 59.90
Operative hairdresser 1st year 49.00 52.50 55.50
Apprentice 2nd year 31.00 32.40 33.90
Apprentice 1st year 27.50 29.00 30.40
*Rates for 40 hours.

(b) licensed non-residential establishments, (c) retail food and allied trades, (d) retail trades non-food and (e) unlicensed places of refreshment.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

Awards coming into effect on or after 1 May 1981, for the main negotiating grades for each specified council are as follows. No awards have yet been agreed for implementation at future dates.

(b) Licensed Non-Residential Establishment Wages Council
Effective date of award*
15 January 1982 15 January 1983 15 January 1984
£ £ £
Bar staff
Regular workers†:
18 years or over 60.50 63.50 65.91
Under 18 years 48.40 50.80 52.65
* Rates for 40 hours to 14 January 1984: 39 thereafter.
Without lodgings provided by employer.

(c) Retail Food and Allied Trades Wages Council
Effective date of award*
5 April 1982 4 April 1983 3 October 1983 2 April 1984
£ £ £ £
General Assistant
19 years or over 62.00 66.00 67.00 71.00
18 and under 19 years 52.45 55.83 56.68 60.06
17 and under 18 years 44.75 47.64 48.36 51.25
Under 17 years 39.05 41.57 42.20 44.72
* Rates for 40 hours to 2 January 1983: 39 thereafter.

(d) Retail Trades (Non-Food) Wages Council
Effective data of award*
5 April 1982 4 April 1983 3 October 1983 2 April 1984
£ £ £ £
Skilled Assistant
19 years or over 62.50 66.25 67.50 71.50
18 and under 19 years 53.13 56.32 57.38 60.78
17 and under 18 years 43.75 46.38 47.25 50.05
Under 17 years 37.50 39.75 40.50 42.90
* Rates for 40 hours to 2 January 1983: 39 thereafter.

(e) Unlicensed Place of Refreshment Wages Council
Effective date of award*
15 June 1981 14 June 1982 30 June 1983 13 June 1984
£ £ £ £
Group 4 workers
18 years or over 56.50 61.08 64.74 69.11
17 years under 18 years 42.38 45.82 48.56 51.83
Under 17 years 36.73 39.71 42.08 44.92
* Rates for 40 hours to 2 January 1983: 39 thereafter
Service cook cashier, clerical assistant refreshment bar attendent, buffet of service attendent, shop assistant and any other workers except waiter or waitress