HC Deb 18 December 1984 vol 70 cc142-3W
Mr. Fallon

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will make a statement about the level of parental contributions to the fees of pupils in the assisted places scheme in 1985–86.

Sir Keith Joseph

Subject to the usual consultations and to parliamentary approval, the parental contribution scales will be adjusted upwards for the school year 1985–86 in line with earnings, as follows:

balance of provision towards science, engineering and other vocational disciplines, and towards sub-degree and part-time provision.

As I announced on 12 November, the AFE quantum for 1985–86 is over 7.5 per cent. higher than that for 1984–85, when allowance is made for the abolition of the national insurance surcharge. Provided that costs can be contained, the increased quantum should permit broadly the same resources per student in LAHE to be made available in 1985–86 as planned in 1984–85. But, compared with the latest actual levels of expenditure, this still entails continuing reductions in unit costs and in lecturer numbers, and attainment of the 12:1 average student-staff ratio adopted by the NAB as a target for local authority higher education.

The greater part of the £620 million total is being allocated to local education authorities in relation to target student numbers for 1985–86 by institution, mode of attendance and subject. The allocations are being made in such a way as to continue the pressure of high spending institutions to reduce their costs and to afford increased protection to the more economical institutions. The allocations announced today also include, for a few selected institutions, sums to a total value of £280,000 in support of a biotechnology initiative. A sum of £2.5 million has been set aside for selective support of research in a number of major institutions. I shall announce my decision on the distribution of that sum in the light of further advice from the NAB early in the new year.

Letters are today being sent to local education authorities and institutions notifying them of my decisions. Copies of my letter to the NAB committee chairman, of a note explaining the method by which the AFE quantum for 1985–86 is being distributed, and full details of the allocations—excluding the selective research element—have been placed in the Libraries of both Houses.