HC Deb 17 December 1984 vol 70 cc58-9W
Mr. Nellist

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will give details, by police force area, of the total numbers of arrests to the latest available date in connection with the coal strike, and indicate the number of arrests by offence charged with, the sentences on conviction and the numbers still awaiting trial.

Mr. Ancram

[pursuant to his reply, 19 November 1984, c. 20]: The latest information available centrally about (a) the number of arrests in each Scottish police force area in connection with the dispute in the mining industry, (b) the sentences on conviction, and (c) the numbers awaiting trial is as follows. Information on the offences in respect of which charges have been brought by procurators fiscal is contained in the reply which my hon. and learned Friend the Solicitor-General for Scotland gave to the hon. Member for Hammersmith (Mr. Soley) on 4 December at column 102.

(a) Arrests (to 7 December)

Police Force Area Number of arrests
Central Scotland 38
Dumfries and Galloway 3
Fife 217
Grampian Nil
Lothian and Borders 432
Northern Nil
Strathclyde 703
Tayside 13

(b) Sentences on conviction (to 16 November)

Police Force Area Imprisonment Fined Admonished Compensation order Community Service order Total
Dumfries and Galloway 2 2 4
Fife 12 4 16
Lothian and Borders 2 61 3 1 67
Strathclyde 107 11 118
Tayside 13 4 2 19
2 195 22 4 1 224

Note: These figures relate to sentences: individual persons may have received more than one sentence.

(c) Awaiting trial

As at 28 November, 583 persons were awaiting trial. This figure relates only to those persons who have tendered a plea of not guilty and for whom a diet of trial has been fixed. There are a number of other outstanding cases where the accused is on petition but a decision on whether or not to proceed with the case has still to be taken and no trial diet has therefore been fixed. There are also other outstanding summary proceedings where the accused has not yet appeared in court to answer a complaint or where proceedings have been continued without plea.