HC Deb 07 December 1984 vol 69 cc293-4W
Mrs. Roe

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will provide details of expenditure in 1983–84 and 1984–85 by the Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce and the agricultural departments on market regulation under the common agricultural policy.

Mr. Jopling

Details are given of the outturn for 1983–84 and the latest forecast of outturn for 1984–85:

Outturn 1983–84 Latest forecast of outturn 1984–85
£ million £ million
(i) Expenditure by the Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce
Cereals 120.8 357.8
Beef and Veal 263.9 322.5
Pigmeat -14.8 -10.1
Sugar 53.2 63.1
Processed Products 28.3 32.9
Milk Products 561.3 333.0
Oil Seeds 87.2 54.6
Sheepmeat 158.3 123.1
Others 21.0 29.2
1,279.2 1,306.1
(ii) Expenditure by the Agricultural Departments

Product Stock level Date Cost to Community of holding stocks in 1984*
'000 tonnes million ECU
Public intervention
Butter 1,026 15 November 1984 323
Skimmed Milk Powder 816 15 November 1984 132
Wheat 5,975 22 November 1984 297
Barley 1,506 22 November 1984
Rye 337 22 November 1984
Durum 837 22 November 1984
Beef 547 31 October 1984 203
Olive Oil 83 31 October 1984 48
Oilseeds 20 31 October 1984 0.9
Assisted private storage
Cheese 105 15 November 1984 64
Butter 178 15 November 1984 96
Pigmeat 26 31 October 1984 41
Dried Fruit 46 end November 1984
Beef 143 16 November 1984 17
* As provided for in 1984 Supplementary and amending budget.
† Figures not available because budget does not identify expenditure in this sector in sufficient detail.

Outturn 1983–84 Latest forecast of outturn 1984–85
£ million £ million
Milk Non-Marketing Premiums 13.3 12.7
Suckler Cow Premium Scheme 15.7 27.8
Annual Premium on Ewes 66.3 77.5
95.3 118.0
Grand Total 1,374.5 1,424.1

Expenditure includes the beef and sheepmeat variable premium schemes—net of clawback for sheepmeat and charges on beef exported and sold into intervention—the premium schemes for the non-marketing of milk and the conversion of dairy herds, suckler cow premium scheme, annual premium on ewes, refunds on imports and exports, net of levies, the butter and school milk subsidies, and the net cost of buying commodities into intervention less proceeds from sales. It also takes account of certain receipts treated as negative expenditure, namely, monetary compensatory amounts levied on intraCommunity trade and the co-responsibility and supplementary levies on milk producers. Of the estimated outturn for 1984–85 £1,087.1 million is expected to be financed from the European agricultural guidance and guarantee fund (EAGGF), the balance being financed from Exchequer funds. In 1983–84 £1,132.9 million was financed from EAGGF. Some of the expenditure shown above benefits consumers and trade interests rather than United Kingdom producers.