HC Deb 26 April 1984 vol 58 cc583-5W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will publish

Application of guarantee threshold in cereals, rapseed (colza) and milk
Marketing year Threshold figure Threshold adjusted for imports of cereal substituties Three year production average Action triggered by scheme at beginning of next marketing year
million tonnes million tonnes million tonnes
1982–83 119.50 119.50 120.85 1 per cent, abatement of intervention and reference prices in 1983–84.
1983–84 120.61 121.98 120.93 None.

in the Official Report a table showing the production targets referred to in paragraph 36 of the 1983 "Report on the Agricultural Situation in the Community", the amount actually produced and the reducton in prices made in cases where production exceeded the target.

Mr. MacGregor

The information on "production targets" concerning cereals, rapeseed (colza) and on milk is as follows:

Cereals In the "Guidelines for European Agriculture" of 23 October 1981 the Commission invisaged a medium-term production objective of 130 million tonnes for all cereals in 1988–89. This figure has most recently been revised to 126 million tonnes in 1989–90 for all cereals excluding durum wheat. With effect from the 1982–83 marketing year a guarantee threshold scheme was introduced for all cereals other than durum wheat. This involves the setting of a short-term production target—or guarantee threshold—against which average production in the three most recent years is compared. For each million tonnes by which the production average exceeds the threshold, intervention and reference prices are abated in the following year by 1 per cent. up to a maximum of 5 per cent. The threshold itself is, however, increased by the amount, if any, by which imports of cereals substitutes exceed 15 million tonnes in the year preceding that in which it is fixed. Details of thresholds, average production and the effects of the scheme are shown in the table below.

Rapeseed With effect from the 1982–83 marketing year a guarantee threshold scheme was introduced for rapeseed. Details are given in the following table. The Commission's price proposal for 1983–84 was for an increase of 5.5 per cent. but less 1 per cent. (that is an increase of 4.5 per cent.) as a result of the application of the guarantee threshold. The outcome of the CAP price-fixing for 1983–84 was lower still, at 4 per cent. The Commission's price proposal for 1984–85 was for an increase of 1 per cent. but less 2 per cent. (that is an increase of - 1 per cent.) as a result of the application of the guarantee threshold. The outcome of the CAP price fixing for 1984–85 was lower still, at—2 per cent.

Milk With effect from the 1982–83 marketing year a guarantee threshold scheme was introduced for milk. Details are given in the following table. The Commission's final price proposal for 1983–84 was for an increase of 5.5 per cent. in the target price for milk and the prices for products going into intervention, but less about 3 per cent. (that is an increase of 2.33 per cent.) as a result of the application of the guarantee threshold. A quota -supplementary levy scheme has been introduced with effect from the beginning of the 1984–85 marketing year. Full details of these measures and of prices for 1984–85 for all commodities covered by the CAP will be contained in a note by my Department, a copy of which will be deposited shortly in the Library of the House.

Marketing year Threshold figure Three year production average Action triggered by scheme at beginning of next marketing year
million tonnes million tonnes
1982–83 2.15 2.22 1 per cent, abatement of intervention and target price proposed;1½ per cent, abatement realised.
1983–84 2.29 2.41 2 per cent, abatement of intervention and target price proposed; 3 per cent, abatement realised.

Marketing year Threshold figure Deliveries Action triggered by scheme at beginning of next marketing year
million tonnes million tonnes
1982–83 96.8 99.7 3 per cent, abatement of target and intervention prices.
1983–84 97.2 103.7 Introduction of quota—supplementary levy.

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