HC Deb 12 April 1984 vol 58 cc342-3W
Mr. Onslow

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is the composition of the working party set up to consider the control of fish farm pollution, following the recommendation in the consultation paper on the review of inland and coastal fisheries in England and Wales; when he expects to receive the report of the working party; and if he will undertake to publish it as soon as possible.

Mr. MacGregor

The working party on the avoidance of pollution from fish farms was established in 1982 by the then National Water Council. Membership was drawn from the water authorities, the National Farmers Union, the Water Research Centre, the Department of the environment and from my own Department. The then vice-chairman of the National Farmers Union's fish farming committee and the chief scientific officer of the Wessex water authority were appointed joint chairmen.

The working party decided to issue its recommendations in the form of three documents which will provide guidelines to fish farmers and to the water authorities. The first two, to be published shortly by the National Farmers Union, are a revised "Code of Good Husbandry for Farmers Rearing Fish for the Table and Restocking Markets" and new "Guidelines for the Safe Use of Chemicals by Fish Farmers" and will be made available to all fish farmers. In addition, I understand that the Water Authorities Association will shortly circulate to water authorities model standard fish farm discharge consent conditions.

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