§ Mr. Arnoldasked the Secretary of State for Energy what directions he plans to make under section 6(2) of the Energy Act 1975 specifying the level of stocks to be kept and the time scale on which such stocks are to be established as regards substantial suppliers of petroleum products brought within the definition of such a supplier by the Petroleum Stocks (Amendment) Order 1983; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. Buchanan-SmithNo directions can be issued until the necessary information about 1983 deliveries is available early in 1984. At present, non-refining companies are required to hold stocks equivalent to 66 days of their average daily deliveries into internal United Kingdom consumption during the preceding calendar year. The obligation placed on companies brought within the coverage of the stocking obligation for the first time will take account of their individual circumstances, and they will be given a reasonable time to adjust to the requirement.
§ Mr. Arnoldasked the Secretary of State for Energy how many suppliers of petroleum products are presently substantial suppliers within the meaning of the Petroleum Stocks Order 1976; how many further substantial suppliers there will be following the carrying into effect of the Petroleum Stocks (Amendment) Order 1983; and what steps he has taken to identify these additional suppliers.
§ Mr. Buchanan-SmithAt present 23 substantial suppliers are subject to a stocking obligation. I expect that figure to increase to about 30 when the new 1983 order2W comes into effect but the precise number cannot be established until 1983 figures of deliveries into final consumption are available after the end of the year. Additional suppliers are identified through routine enquiries made by officials in my Department.