HC Deb 30 November 1983 vol 49 cc522-3W
Mr. Barnett

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will provide a table in the Official Report showing the numbers of training places available in each skillcentre in the Greater London area and the current number of trainees undergoing courses in each skillcentre.

Mr. Peter Morrison

Currently 1,340 operational training places are available in skillcentres in the Greater London area. On 25 November 1,097 trainees were undergoing courses in these skillcentres. Details for each skillcentre are shown in the following table:

Mr. Peter Morrison

One female skillcentre instructor is currently employed in the Greater London area at the Deptford skillcentre. All posts are open to men and women.

Mr. Barnett

asked the Secretary of State for Employment (1) how many skillcentres have nursery or creche facilities available; and how many infants are at present attending them;

(2) if he will make a statement about the funding of creche facilities located in skillcentres (a) by the Manpower Services Commission and (b) by local authorities.

Mr. Peter Morrison

There are no nursery or creche facilities in skillcentres.

Mr. Barnett

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many (a) women and (b) men are currently undergoing training courses at skillcentres in the Greater London area; and how many are currently undergoing courses at the Deptford skillcentre.

Mr. Peter Morrison

Currently 921 men and 63 women are undergoing training courses at skillcentres in the Greater London area, including 99 men and 12 women at the Deptford skillcentre.