HC Deb 30 November 1983 vol 49 cc483-5W
Mr. Spence

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will provide details of expenditure in 1982–83 and 1983–84 by the Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce and the agricultural departments on market regulation under the common agricultural policy.

Mr. Jopling

Details of the outturn for 1982–83 and the latest forecast of outturn for 1983–84 are as follows:

Outturn 1982–83 Latest forecast of outturn 1983–84
£ million £ million
(i) Expenditure by the Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce
Cereals 337.2 112.8
Beef and Veal 93.8 214.3
Pigmeat -39.8 -19.9
Sugar 60.6 53.7

Outturn 1982–83 Latest forecast of outturn 1983–84
£ million £ million
Processed products 27.4 35.1
Milk products 342.5 625.8
Oil seeds 76.3 78.3
Sheepmeat 126.1 126.9
Others 19.4 20.1
Total 1,043.5 1,247.1
(ii) Expenditure by the Agricultural Departments
Milk non-marketing premiums 17.8 13.4
Suckler cow premium scheme 16.4 16.6
Annual premium on ewes 21.4 79.7
Total 55.6 109.7
Grand Total 1,099.1 1,356.8

Expenditure includes the beef and sheepmeat variable premium schemes, (net of clawback for sheepmeat), the premium schemes for the non marketing of milk and the conversion of dairy herds, suckler cow premium scheme, annual premium on ewes, refunds on imports and exports (net of levies), the butter and school milk subsidies, and the net cost of buying commodities into intervention less proceeds from sales. It also takes account of certain receipts treated as negative expenditure, namely monetary compensatory amounts levied on intra-Community trade and the co-responsibility levy on milk producers. Of the estimated outturn for 1983–84 £1,015.5 million is expected to be financed from the European agricultural guidance and guarantee fund (EAGGF), the balance being financed from Exchequer funds. In 1982–83 £783.7 million was financed from EAGGF. Some of the expenditure shown above benefits consumers and trade interests rather than United Kingdom producers.

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