HL Deb 01 November 1983 vol 444 c550WA
Lord Jenkins of Putney

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the SAB Unclassified Attack of approximately 179 nuclear weapons totalling 193 megatons was used with the Dose Models referred to in ISBN 0 86252 033 9 of December 1981 and if so what casualty assessments resulted therefrom; and

What casualty assessment resulted from the postulated attack referred to in Home Office Scientific Research and Development Branch Report Blast Pressures and Fallout Radiation Dose Models for Casualty Assessment and Other Purposes (ISBN 0 86252 033 9 of December 1981 (Page 19)).

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office (Lord Elton)

The attack pattern in question was used for test purposes in the development of the blast and dose models described in Home Office Scientific Research and Development Branch Report 16/82 referred to by the noble Lord (a copy has been placed in the Library). A version of these models was used in the illustrative casualty assessment published inThe Nuclear Arms Race: Control or Catastrophe, C. F. Barnaby and G. P. Thomas (Eds), Frances Pinter 1982, p. 154, fig. 9.