HC Deb 13 May 1983 vol 42 c529W
Mr. Spearing

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will publish in the Official Report

Common Levy MCA Total Import Levy
Item and CCT No. £/mt P/lb £/mt P/lb £/mt P/lb
Common Wheat (10.01B1) 61.693 2.80 6.146 0.28 67.839 3.08
Barley (10.03) 62.381 2.83 5.545 0.25 67.926 3.08
Maize (10.05B) 49.698 2.25 5.545 0.25 55.243 2.50
White Sugar (17.01A)‡ 206.761 9.38 17.220 0.78 223.981 10.16
Butter 82.84 per cent. Fat Content (04.03A)|| 1216.997 55.20 108.170 4.91 1325.167 60.11
Cheddar Cheese (04.04EIbI)¶ 1067.127 48.40 84.180 3.82 1151.307 52.22
Skimmed Milk Powder (04.02AIIbI) 454.662 20.62 45.230 2.05 499.892 22.67
Boneless Frozen Beef (02.01AIIb4bb33)• 1810.202 82.11 103.900 4.71 1914.102 86.82
Lard (15.01AII) 108.945 4.94 108.945 4.74
Pigmeat Carcasses (02.01AIIIaI) 323.365 14.67 46.970 2.13 370.335 16.80
Salted Bacon Sides (02.06BIa1) 413.933 18.77 60.120 2.73 474.053 21.50
Eggs (04.05AIb)▀ 200.942 9.11 14.160 0.64 215.102 9.75
Poultry Meat 70 per cent. Chickens 184.368 8.36 12.140 0.55 196.508 8.91
* Conversion from European currency units into sterling has been made using the representative rate IECU = £0.618655, and multiplying the resultant figure by the current monetary coefficient of 0.95
† Currently, monetary compensatory amounts act as a levy on imports.
‡ In practice United Kingdom imports from third countries are normally covered by the Lomé convention and enter the Community levy-free.
|| There is a special rate for New Zealand butter.
¶ There is a special rate for cheddar cheese imported from Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
• Imports are also subject to an ad valorem tariff of 20 per cent. Most imports from outside the Community are subject to special arrangements involving reduced levy and duty rates.
▀ An additional levy is applied depending on country of origin.