HC Deb 10 May 1983 vol 42 c221W
52. Sir Anthony Royle

asked the Minister for Trade if he will make a statement setting out his policy and criteria for reaching decisions on references to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission.

Consumer goods current weighted index numbers (1975=100 OTS basis)
Table 1—Terms of Trade*
Total Machinery Passenger Motor Cars Misc.
SITC (R2) 7 & 8 less SNA (Pt) 71–77 Pt 781 8 (Pt)
1979 102 117 103 102
1980 109 134 105 109
1981 107 135 108 103
1982 109 147 111 104
* Export unit value index as a percentage of the import unit value index.

Consumer goods current weighted index numbers
Table 2—Relative volume*
Total Machinery Passenger Motor Cars Misc.
SITC (R2) 7 & 8 less SNA (Pt) 71–77 Pt 781 8 (Pt)
1979 63 58 33 90
1980 66 58 39 87
1981 58 35 38 78
1982 52 30 31 75
* Export volume index as a percentage of the import volume index.

The most significant factor in the rise in the terms of trade in this period was a sharp rise in export prices in 1980. The substantial fall in exports in 1981 was the most significant component of the fall in relative volume.

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