HC Deb 09 May 1983 vol 42 c190W
Mr. Latham

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he will make a statement on the visit of the Under-Secretary of State to the Soviet Union; what representations were made regarding disappointing progress by the Soviet Union in permitting emigration of Jews or other failures to implement the Helsinki final act; and whether any further ministerial visits are planned to Warsaw pact countries by Ministers during 1983.

Mr. Rifkind

I visited the Soviet Union from 24 to 29 April for political consultations with the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I had talks in Moscow on 25 to 27 April with the Soviet First Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Kornienko, and Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Ryzhov. The major part of the discussions focussed on international issues including arms control, Afghanistan and Poland. I reiterated our concern at the Soviet human rights performance and raised a number of individual cases. These included Raoul Wallenberg and Anatoly Shcharansky and others refused permision to leave the Soviet Union. Several further ministerial visits to Eastern European countries are currently under consideration.