HC Deb 31 March 1983 vol 40 c265W
19. Sir Anthony Grant

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what provision has been made for basic rescue within communities in the event of war.

Mr. Mayhew

Local authorities were requested in Home Office circular No. ES 2/1981, a copy of which is in the Library, to make arrangements to harness local voluntary effort for civil defence purposes; one of the tasks specifically suggested for volunteers is rescue work. The proposed new civil defence regulations will require local authorities to organise the training and exercising of volunteers and to plan to provide a rescue service.

21. Mr. Stevens

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many emergency planning staffs of the shire counties fall below the recommended strength outlined in Home Office circular ES1/1972.

Mr. Mayhew

The number of emergency planning staff employed is a matter for the judgment of individual county councils. Home Office circular ES1/1972 contained guidance to help local authorities calculate their requirements. There is no standard complement.

25. Mr. Wheeler

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many vacancies for civil defence volunteers will be made available annually at Easingwold.

Mr. Mayhew

During 1983 about 700 volunteers are expected to attend courses at the Home Defence college, Easingwold. These will include local authority scientific advisers, members of the voluntary aid societies (Red Cross, St. John Ambulance Brigade and the WRVS), and other civil defence volunteers such as experienced community advisers and senior members of local civil defence bodies.