HL Deb 30 March 1983 vol 440 c1634WA
Lord Kennet

asked Her Majesty's Government:

(a) whether the Soviet Government has yet consulted Governments of Northern Hemisphere states over the north-flowing river reversal scheme, the second tranche of which it is now reported to have approved; (b) if not, whether they will enquire of the Soviet Union its intentions for international expert ecological consultation and evaluation; and (c) if necessary, whether they will, taking note of international opinion on the Israeli project for a canal from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea, raise the matter in the United Nations.

Lord Belstead

As far as we are aware the Soviet Union has not consulted other governments about the scheme. As the noble Lord is aware, we have discussed the matter in the past with the Soviet authorities. On a preliminary examination of the evidence available to us it does not appear that the influence on climate would be significant. We shall, however, continue to study the implications of any information available to us. And whenever a suitable opportunity occurs we shall encourage the Soviet authorities themselves to monitor the effects and pass on details to international scientific organisations.