HC Deb 28 March 1983 vol 40 c74W
Mr. Lofthouse

asked the Secretary of State for the environment how many applications he has received from local authorities to except aged persons' dwellings from the right-to-buy provisions under the Housing Act 1980, and how many of these applications have now been determined by him and how many have been rejected as late submissions or have been withdrawn or are still awaiting a decision; and of those that have been decided, how many were excluded from the right-to-buy provisions and how many were thought by him to be cases where the right to buy provisions applied.

Mr. Stanley

As at 28 February 1983 the Secretary of State had received 2,047 applications from local authorities made under paragraph 5, part 1, schedule 1 to the Housing Act 1980 for the exclusion of elderly persons' dwellings from the right to buy. The details are as follows:

Applications submitted out of time 197
No decision required (following withdrawal of either party) 441
Dwellings excluded from the right to buy 104
Dwellings included in the right to buy 1,137
Applications still under consideration 168