HC Deb 23 March 1983 vol 39 c411W
Mr. Colvin

asked the Minister for Trade if he will make a statement on the implications for the United Kingdom of the recently announced decision of the Libyan General National Maritime Transport Company to suspend its cargo reservation system.

Mr. Sproat

The Government have consistently opposed measures by other countries which have the effect of preventing or restricting free competition in world shipping because of the harm this causes to all our interests. We therefore noted with grave concern the introduction of a cargo reservation system in the trade between the United Kingdom and Libya. Together with other Governments affected, we made our concern known to the authorities in Tripoli. I am pleased to see that it has now been announced that the cargo reservation system has been withdrawn. It is most important to the Government that this should result in a situation where British carriers will again be able to take advantage of the opportunities offered in this trade in free and fair competition with Libyan and third country carriers, and the Department will of course continue to monitor closely developments in the trade to see whether this happens.

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