HC Deb 14 March 1983 vol 39 c58W
Mr. Tony Speller

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what criteria are applied in deciding which unions should be recognised as representing sections of workers in the National Health Service; what rights are conveyed by such recognition; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

The established practice has been that the recognition of individual unions to participate in the Whitley councils for the NHS at national level has been left to the staff sides of the councils. Such recognition conveys a number of rights both nationally and locally. National rights include participation in the formulation of agreements of the Whitley councils on terms and conditions of service for NHS employees. Rights locally include such matters as the use of notice boards on health authority premises, accommodation for union meetings, and time off and facilities for union representatives in carrying out their union duties and activities. We expect the Staff Side to nominate people who genuinely represent the employees affected by the decisions of each Whitley council.

Employing authorities may recognise other union or staff organisations as representing sections of staff in their local employment, and may provide them with such facilities outside the Whitley system as they think necessary. We expect employing authorities to recognise any organisations which have a significant level of membership amongst any particular section of their employees.