HC Deb 01 March 1983 vol 38 cc117-21W
Mr. McTaggart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) what has been the standardised mortality rate for (a) males aged 15 to 64 years and (b) females aged 15 to 64 years as a result of diseases of the genito-urinary system, by social class, for (i) Glasgow and (ii) Scotland in each of the past five years;

(2) what has been the standardised mortality rate for (a) males aged one to 14 years and (b) females aged one to 14 years as a result of infective and parasitic diseases, by social class for (i) Glasgow and (ii) Scotland in each of the past five years;

and the proposed M74 extension at Hamilton, (f) M90 Forth Road Bridge to Perth and (g) the proposed M80; what is the capacity and current traffic of the most suitable alternative road link in each case; which of these roads have a rail link on the same route; what is the current unused capacity on each of these rail links; and what is the capital cost of each of the roads listed.

Mr. Allan Stewart

The information readily available to me on traffic capacities and current traffic flows for the roads mentioned is shown in the following tables. Projections for 1990 and capital costs are not readily available and could be provided only at disproportionate cost. For most of the routes mentioned there is no single most suitable alternative road link: the choice of alternative would depend on the type of traffic and its places of origin and destination. Questions about rail links and their capacities should be directed to the chairman of the British Railways Board.

(a) Road capacities
Type of Road Maximum (16 hour) Design Flow
Single 2-lane (7.3m) 10,000; 14,000; 17,000 (depending on standard)
Single 2-lane (10m) 25,000
Dual 2-lane all-purpose 30,000; 40,000; 45,000 (depending on standard)
Dual 2-lane motorway 60,000
Dual 3-lane motorway 85,000

(These capacities relate to roads designed to modem standards, and may not be attainable on some older roads)

(3) what has been the standardised mortality rate for (a) males aged one to 14 years and (b) females aged one to 14 years as a result of accidents, by social class, for (i) Glasgow and (ii) Scotland in each of the past five years;

(4) what has been the standardised mortality rate for (i) male children aged 1 to 14 years and (ii) female children aged 1 to 14 years, by social class for (a) Glasgow and (b) Scotland in each of the past five years.

Mr. John MacKay

This information is not available.

Mr. McTaggart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what has been the neo-natal mortality rate by sex, social class and cause of death for (a) Glasgow and (b) Scotland in each of the past five years.

Mr. John MacKay

The available information is given in the following table.

Neonatal deaths by sex, social class and cause of death, Scotland and Glasgow 1977–1981
Scotland (rate per 1,000 live births) Glasgow* (rate per 1,000 live births)
1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
Males 13.0 10.3 9.7 9.1 7.1 15.5 9.4 10.2 10.5 6.1
Females 9.5 7.2 7.6 6.4 6.7 12.9 8.0 8.9 6.5 6.4
Social class
I 6.7 9.7 6.2 3.9 5.1 5.0 12.4 2.7 2.2 8.3
II 8.9 4.9 7.6 5.8 6.0 10.1 3.5 6.7 7.2 7.2
III M 10.2 8.2 8.0 8.1 6.4 11.1 7.7 8.6 6.8 6.2
III NM 6.8 6.6 4.6 11.9 7.5 5.1
IV 10.8 8.7 8.4 6.6 7.3 9.0 3.9 7.8 8.1 6.4
V 14.5 9.3 12.3 8.6 7.7 16.4 7.9 13.4 12.0 5.5
Cause of death
Congenital anomalies 3.4 2.6 2.6 2.3 2.1 3.0 1.8 4.0 1.9 2.0
Maternal conditions 1.8 1.3 1.2 1.3 0.8 1.8 1.0 1.1 1.5 1.0
arising during pregnancy†
Neonatal causes of which: 6.1 4.8 4.8 4.2 3.9 9.4 6.0 4.4 5.2 3.2
Respiratory conditions of newborn 3.2 2.8 3.0 2.7 2.3 5.0 3.0 2.2 3.7 1.8
All neonatal deaths 11.3 8.8 8.7 7.8 6.9 14.2 8.7 9.6 8.6 6.3
* For the social class breakdown, figures relate to Greater Glasgow health board area; other figures relate to City of Glasgow district.
† Includes maternal conditions unrelated to pregnancy and disorders of slow foetal growth.

Mr. Meraggart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what has been the standardised mortality rate for (i) males aged 15 to 64 years and (ii) females aged 15 to 64 years, by social class, for each of the past five years.

Mr. John MacKay

The specific information requested is not available. Standardised mortality ratios for the period 1969 to 1973 and covering slightly different age groups, are shown in tables 5a, 5b and 5c of "Occupational Mortality 1969–73", published by the

Stillbirths, perinatal, neonatal and infant death rates for Greater Glasgow health board area and Scotland, 1977–1981
Year Social Class Perinatal mortality per 1,000 births (L&S) Neonatal mortality per 1,000 live births Infant mortality per 1,000 live births Stillbirth per 1,000 births (L&S)
1977 I 10.9 6.7 9.2 5.6
II 14.1 8.9 12.6 7.1
III(M) 17.6 10.2 14.2 8.9
IV 19.2 10.8 15.3 10.0
V 23.5 14.5 21.5 11.4
1978 I 14.7 9.7 11.9 6.8
I 10.8 4.9 7.4 6.3
III(M) 15.2 8.2 11.7 8.2
IV 16.2 8.7 13.0 8.8
V 17.5 9.3 14.7 10.4
1979 I 10.2 6.2 8.0 5.0
II 12.9 7.6 11.0 5.8
III(M) 13.5 8.0 11.8 7.1
III(NM) 11.5 6.8 10.5 5.6
IV 14.1 8.4 11.4 7.3
V 20.7 12.3 19.0 10.3
1980 I 8.0 3.9 8.7 5.1
II 10.2 5.8 8.4 5.6
III(M) 13.7 8.1 11.9 7.0
III(NM) 11.3 6.6 10.2 5.6
IV 13.2 6.6 10.1 7.9
V 13.6 8.6 16.1 6.6
1981 I 8.1 5.1 7.9 4.3
II 9.9 6.0 9.2 5.5
III(M) 11.6 6.4 10.0 6.3

Registrar General for Scotland, a copy of which is in the Library. It is intended to publish a further study covering the period 1979–83 in due course.

Mr. McTaggart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what have been the perinatal, neonatal and infant mortality rates by social class for (a) Glasgow and (b) Scotland in each of the past five years.

Mr. John MacKay

The readily available information is shown in the following table.

Year Social Class Perinatal mortality per 1,000 births (L&S) Neonatal mortality per 1,000 live births Infant mortality per 1,000 live births Stillbirth per 1,000 births (L&S)
III(NM) 10.2 4.6 9.1 7.1
IV 12.9 7.3 11.7 6.8
V 12.5 7.7 12.9 6.7

Greater Glasgow H.B.A.
Year Social class Parinatal mortality per 1,000 births (L&S) Neonatal mortality per 1,000 live births Infant mortality per 1,000 live births Stillbirths per 1,000 births (L&S)
1977 I 5.0 7.0 5.0
II 10.1 12.5 5.9
III(M) 11.1 15.5 9.7
III(NM) 11.1 15.5 9.7
IV 9.0 13.7 10.6
V 16.4 25.4 12.9
1978 I 12.4 15.5 6.2
II 3.5 4.7 4.1
III(M) 7.7 11.4 10.3
III(NM) 7.7 11.4 10.3
IV 3.9 9.0 14.0
V 7.9 11.9 10.2
1979 I Not Available 2.7 3.6 0.9
II 6.7 9.0 5.6
III(M) 8.6 12.2 6.1
III(NM) 11.9 17.0 5.0
IV 7.8 10.2 5.5
V 13.4 22.1 11.7
1980 I 2.2 8.6 6.4
II 7.2 8.8 6.2
III(M) 7.5 10.3 7.6
III(NM) 6.8 10.2 6.2
IV 8.1 12.5 4.4
V 12.0 22.5 5.2
1981 I 8.3 11.4 2.1
II 7.2 9.8 6.6
III(M) 5.1 8.4 7.5
III(NM) 6.2 10.4 9.3
IV 6.4 12.4 8.8
V 5.5 10.1 8.5