HC Deb 29 July 1983 vol 46 c751W
Mr. Lester

asked the Secretary of State for Energy what is the cost of standing charge concessions for small consumptions of gas and electricity.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

The industries estimate the annual cost of limiting standing charges to a maximum of 50 per cent. of consumers bills at around £16 million for electricity and £20 million for gas.

Mr. Lester

asked the Secretary of State for Energy how many consumers are being assisted by the standing charges concessions; and what is the estimated proportion on low incomes or on pensions.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

Precise figures are not available. It is estimated that about 1 million gas consumers and 2 million electricity consumers stand to benefit from the schemes to limit standing charges in small bills, about half of whom should be pensioners.

Mr. Lester

asked the Secretary of State for Energy how the cost of the standing charge concessions is being met and by whom.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

It is a matter for the British Gas Corporation and individual area electricity boards how they meet the cost of the concession.

Mr. Higgins

asked the Secretary of State for Energy whether the South-Eastern electricity board remains among those which have not limited the standing charge component of all bills to 50 per cent.; and what action he has taken to ensure that treatment comparable with other boards is afforded to customers of the south-eastern board.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

I refer my hon. Friend to my reply on 12 July 1983 to the hon. Member for Knowsley, North (Mr. Kilroy-Silk)—[Vol. 45, c.323.] My right hon. Friend does not have the power to compel the south eastern board to fall into line with other boards on this issue; the arrangements for the standing charge rebate are a matter within the board's own responsibility.